Port Washington/JMTA Long Island

Browse Offerings

SPORTIME Port Washington in central Long Island, our newest John McEnroe Tennis Academy location, formerly the iconic Port Washington Tennis Academy, where John, Patrick, Vitas Gerulaitis, Tracey Austin and many other legends trained as juniors, featuring 13 indoor courts in soft and hard surfaces, a performance training center and an indoor track

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Showing 4 results

Pickleball Open Play

Pickleball Open Play sessions offer a flexible and relaxed setting for players to enjoy the game at their levels. Play can be intense, but the social and welcoming vibe encourages friendship and fun. Open Play allows regular practice and competition on your schedule at a variety of locations, and welcomes players to SPORTIME Pickleball Nation.

Ages: 18+

Pickleball Open Play with Instruction

Pickleball open play with an instructor is a great way to improve your skills and enjoy the game with other players. An instructor can provide guidance, offer tips and techniques, and help you refine your pickleball game.

Ages: 19+

Pickleball Parties

SPORTIME's Pickleball parties embrace a variety of fun, seasonal, themes to create pickleball celebrations. Whether you're looking to socialize, play friendly and competitive matches, or if you love a festive atmosphere, SPORTIME’s pickleball parties offer a memorable experience for all participants.

Ages: 18+

Pickleball Up/Down

Program for Intermediate Players (3.0-3.9) Level. Beat the clock and players with higher scores move up and lower move down.

Ages: 18+


100 Harbor Road Port Washington, NY 11050

(516) 883-6425

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